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How To Let The Holy Spirit Guide Your Next Steps

Writer's picture: Arshawna WarrenArshawna Warren

Every year we set out to complete our goals in numerous ways. We create these New Year's resolutions and vision boards to help us make changes - ones that we wished we accomplished in the prior year. For us church folk, many of us go through this season of a Daniel or a 21 day fast. Which is geared towards guiding us through the year and allowing us to hear God’s voice on what we’re supposed to do each day for Him.

Before starting a business, I didn’t really understand how it affected my life, I just knew it was a good way to get closer to Him.It taught me how to be obedient. Now, I understand the seriousness of letting the Holy Spirit Guiding me to my next step as an entrepreneur.

Today’s episode is all about that: How YOU should let the Holy spirit guide you in your next business move, investment, career goals, etc.

Every year we set out to complete our goals in numerous ways. We create these New Year's resolutions and vision boards to help us make changes - ones that we wished we accomplished in the prior year. For us church folk, many of us go through this season of a Daniel or a 21 day fast. Which is geared towards guiding us through the year and allowing us to hear God’s voice on what we’re supposed to do each day for Him.

Before starting a business, I didn’t really understand how it affected my life, I just knew it was a good way to get closer to Him.It taught me how to be obedient. Now, I understand the seriousness of letting the Holy Spirit Guiding me to my next step as an entrepreneur.

Today’s episode is all about that: How YOU should let the Holy spirit guide you in your next business move, investment, career goals, etc.

​As creatives and entrepreneurs, we always have ideas popping up in our heads. We look at social media, we see Pinterest ideas and we even just dream big and expect our lives to duplicate what our eyes and mind sees. Many times we give it so much thought that we just jump right into our impulsive idea and run with it until it burns out or ignites. I’m definitely guilty of jumping into something because it seemed like a good idea.

But what if we took time to really sit and pray over our next move. No matter how small it is?What if we just actually waited?

In the Bible, we see that King David had to wait for his success and reign as King. This is the same David who herded sheep and slain the Giant Goliath in battle. Praised for killing 10,000 in battle and singing and writing hymns for King Saul. He had a legacy and a destiny that would transform God’s people. But before he could ever become king, he had to take the time to grow. He had to wait on God’s approval to move to the next step.

We also see king Saul. Who was honored by God. A powerful King loved by many. Who took the time to disobey and rush God’s orders. I advise you to read this story because It changed my life. King Saul had a great run as King but was impatient. And his impatience resulted in him being stripped from his position and honor and completely humiliated before his subjects.

I truly believe that this is a warning for us as well.

As you are thinking about your next step and your next journey, I want you to really think about King David vs King Saul.

God gave us the gift of the Holy Spirit to help us in our ministerial journey. We now can hear God’s voice clearly to know how to speak to others and to feel His presence all around us. This even applies to your business opportunities. The best thing about this is that there should be peace in the wait. When Jesus was on that boat sleeping (Mark 4; Matthew 8), and the disciples were terrified of the storm, he called out to the winds and the rain and commanded peace in the stillness.

When we rush things, and start doing things in our own timing, we destroy the process and the progress of our own lives. God will be fine, but our success will be hindered. Just like King Saul who ended up being replaced by King David.

So today I want you to write down your goals, your dreams, your vision. Even the ones that have been prophesied to you, the ones you KNOW God showed you will happen. Write them down and take time to pray, fast and wait. Use this Daniel fast as a means to understanding what God wants, when and how he wants it. So you don’t wind up being a Saul and instead a Glorious and beloved King David. The man after God’s own heart.


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